
Make the most of AI tools in your job search

October 16, 2023

Standing out from the crowd can be a real challenge in today's job market. But what if you had a secret weapon? 

Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools are becoming increasingly sophisticated and accessible, offering unprecedented assistance in your job search journey. From optimizing your CV to identifying the best-fit roles and even prepping for interviews, AI has the potential to be your personal career coach. 

So, how can you leverage these powerful tools to land your dream job? Whether you’re a fresh graduate or an experienced professional looking for a change, read on for tips from career experts on how AI can give you the edge in today’s competitive job market.

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Writing your CV

On average, there are 118 people applying for the same vacancy as you.  Learn how to make your CV stand out from the rest!

Get tips from professionals. These guidelines have been created by a local German company, Stada, that receives and reviews thousands of applicants, so they know what recruiters are looking for. 

Click here to view the CV Workshop Presentation

Internship Handbook Germany