Additional Unvetted Internships 

There are many internships available for scholars from the age of 15 to students in University.  Some of them are for a short period and unpaid,  and some are for longer periods and paid. 

As and when we get additional information about an Internship, whether, through a Google search or receiving a tip, we will place them in this space. This is why they are unvetted - we have not had the opportunity to speak to the company representative or to understand the internship specifications. This you would need to do as part of your experiential learning.


Target Audience: Grade 11 - 12 Students and beyond (German speaking students)

Implify is offering an exciting internship opportunity in Marketing, Sales, and partially in the Tech department, based in Frankfurt am Main, Germany. This internship is designed to provide a comprehensive learning experience, allowing interns to gain insights into various business areas and actively contribute from the start.

Key Responsibilities

Learn more about the company here

Email if you are interested in applying to this internship

Alfred Wegener Institut

Target Audience: Grade 10 - 12 Students and beyond (German speaking students)

At AWI, our doors are always open to young people who want to learn and explore the many exciting possibilities for a career in science.  Whether you wish to become a scientist, a scientific technician, a research assistant, or any of several roles supporting the scientific mission, many paths lead from school directly to AWI.  

Click here for full details


Target Audience: Grade 10 - 12 Students

Frequently asked questions about student internships

1. What are the requirements for a student internship?

A student internship with us is ideal for you if you want to get to know the bank from the inside and enjoy dealing with and working with people.

2. How far in advance should I apply?

Apply as soon as you know when the internship will take place and in which area you would like to do it.

3. How do I apply for a student internship at Commerzbank?

Apply online for a student internship.

4. How long does the internship last?

The student internships usually last two to three weeks.

5. Will I receive money for my internship?

There is no remuneration for student internships.

6. Will I receive a confirmation for the school?

Yes, you will receive an internship certificate from us.

7. Who should I contact if I have further questions?

Please send your questions by email to our team will be happy to help you.

European Banking Authority

Target Audience: Grade 9 - 12 Students (age 14 -19) 

The EBA wants to invest in young people by offering job shadowing internships to students in secondary education (e.g. high school). This will give them an opportunity to discover the world of work, interact with professionals and adapt to a new environment. Through this scheme, the EBA is also contributing to the European Commission’s priorities to promote the EU values.

The key objective of the internship scheme is to allow students aged 14-19 to enrich their general culture by:

It is also a way to promote awareness, knowledge and understanding of the EBA’s mission, tasks and working practices as an EU Agency.

The duration of the internship should be one or two weeks, or longer, if required and subject to the Executive Director’s decision.

The students participating in the internship will not receive any allowance or travel cost reimbursements.

If you are interested in applying, please send your application following the guidelines provided in the Decision concerning policy on job shadowing internship to 


Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung GmbH

Target Audience: Students interested in basic and applied research in physics and related natural science disciplines. The main fields of study include plasma physics, atomic physics, nuclear structure and reactions research, biophysics, and medical research. 

Betriebspraktikum für Schüler*innen und Praktikum für Studierende

(Pflichtpraktika lt. Studien-/Prüfungsordnung)


Jedes Jahr absolvieren über 100 Schüler*innen sowie Studierende bei GSI ihr Pflichtpraktikum. Die Vergabe eines Praktikumsplatzes ist von verschiedenen Umständen, wie z.B. Experimentierbetrieb, Strahlzeiten, Workshops, Dienstreisen, der Ausbildung der Azubis etc. abhängig und wird von den jeweiligen Abteilungen und den Betreuenden im Einzelfall entschieden.


In folgenden Berufsfeldern bieten wir Praktika an:

Click here for the application details

Target Audience: 18 years and older

In which areas at P&G can you apply for school internships?

We offer school internships in the commercial, technical, and natural science areas. 

How to apply?

You should submit the application documents as early as possible, but at least 6-12 months, before the start of the internship. You are welcome to send us the documents via e-mail, but a written application will also be an option.

Click here for the application details

Target Audience: Internships Min. Age 15 + - Note: German speaking students only